Striving to be a Member of #OneRacetheHumanRace

The issue of race has always been a hot button in our country. Since the early days of the colonies, the races were separated by social and economic barriers. The Slave Trade of Africans that truly built our nation established it as a working nation also ensured the divisions between the races while securing its economy. Money drives industry, success, and it certainly turned thousands of ships across the seas filled with human cargo to our land for the only reason of filling White pockets. We must not shy away from these facts; we must not pretend it did not happen and that as a culture Black Americans are still by extension are impacted by this mass "exploitation" of their race base solely on the pigmentation of the ancestry. [1]

Unlike most places, America seems to shy away from change. We like our Bible stomping preachers, praying politicians, and the White man on top, it is comfortable to many of our fellow citizens. Despite the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's where great gains were made, and equality was seemingly achieved, American Society has changed at a microscopic rate. Yes, a Black person has the same "rights" as the Whites, but they are looked down upon throughout our country. Stereotyped by long lasting averages is what they are working facing each day. When a strong looking white guy in a white tank top and torn jeans walks towards a woman, she does not think much of it. However, if a well built black man, in a white tank top and torn jeans walks towards a woman she cringes, perhaps crosses the street, or at least clutches her purse tightly to her.

Now, you may argue the statistics show that Black men are more likely to be culprits of such crimes. Let me ask you this if you set someone up and expect them to act a certain way and give them very little reason to strive for something better, are they not going to react in the way you prophesied? We as a nation need to think about how we respond to people. We as parents need to teach our children that people are more than their attributes, more than the color of their skin, that beneath that thin exterior of our skin, we are all the same. We are not merely a member of a series of races, but rather "each a member of one human race." [2]

As an adult, you must realize that little eyes are watching you and mimicking your behavior, not always understanding, but always turning each reaction you make a learned response. Race does Matter, but it does not mean we should allow it. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be considered for their individual merit. Don't fall into stereotypes. Look at yourself in the mirror and think about how people view you. You know who you are, and you certainly are not a carbon copy of others that look similar to you. You are your own individual. Treat yourself that way and others around you. You will be amazed by the change it has on the people you come into contact with every day. Do not do a diservice to yourself or others by letting the opinions, failures, and assumptions of others dictate how you respond to your fellow human being.

[1] West, Cornel. "Race Maters." Vintage Books, 2nd ed. (New York: 2001).  XIII



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