Divisions Without Resolution: We Need True Equality

Image result for emmett tillWhy does this matter? Because a racial group of people were targeted and deemed sub-human and forced to work for nothing because the Europeans needed labor and would rebound profits faster than if they hired farmhands. This is because after the Civil War during Reconstruction black leadership was undermined by the power that is to allow their achievements to fail and their bounds forward to be reversed. Because of a young man from a northern state named Emmett Till had the audacity to be black in the South and flirt with a pretty girl. Because of Segregation and desegregation. The Civil Rights movement, the Jackson Seven, Martin Luther King Jr., and others. Because of Trevon Martin. 

Image result for trayvon martinHonestly, to me, this is simply a lack of experience and or education. Anyone that has taken a halfway decent history course on American History knows about the civil rights movement, about race riots, the Civil War, Slavery, the Triangular Slave Trade; and others who have lived it or dug deeper knowledge about the systematic racist viewpoint invoked to corral African slaves across the oceans and entrench this labor source in the South and later southern States of the US. This is not just about George Floyd and the thousands of other Black people in this country that are racially targeted by the police and other authorities. It's not just about one man. This is so much bigger reaching back to the 15th century. 

The news today and of this last week has been inspiring and on the flip side infuriating. We as a nation, the United States, are polarly divided. We are divided into many different lines, lines of values, generational lines, ethnic and racial lines, identity lines, and more. We are so concerned with dictating how we aren't the problem, we forget to look at just how similar we are. If only we would come together and work towards a better tomorrow together, that is the future I want and I believe those protesting in the cities of America the last few days feel the same.

My son is Black.

My worst fear is when he grows up and is pulled over by the police for no rational reason other than he's black and therefore suspicious.

This has got to stop. We can not afford people to assume "It doesn't happen here." It's happening across America and that is too much. People are people. Equality is for All. Black Lives Matter!


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